Saturday, February 13, 2010

This was started by a group of six young men, led by G. Subramania Aiyer, a radical social reformer and school teacher from Thiruvaiyyar near Thanjavur. Aiyer, then 23, along with his 21-year-old fellow-tutor and friend at Pachaiyappa's College, M. Veeraraghavachariar of Chingleput, and four law students, T.T. Rangachariar, P.V. Rangachariar, D. Kesava Rao Pantulu and N. Subba Rao Pantulu started this with one British rupee and twelve annas of borrowed money. Over the years it has grown by leaps and bounds and has received international recognition. Identify.

Answer: The Hindu. Cracked by Kaushik!

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